Tuesday, February 7, 2012

14 Day Sex Challenge: Day 5

5. Sexuality/experiences with members of the same sex.

Oh that history could be long. I'll try to keep it brief though. Courtney was the first girl I was ever with. In high school. I had a huge crush on her but at the time was far too shy to say anything. I did eventually work up the nerve to tell her I liked her and we were actually together for a while. Things were pretty standard after that, a handful of boy and girlfriends. As kink goes, I'll always remember my first time doing anything Domme-y with a woman. I was at a play party but really wasn't feeling things that night. My friend Sean knew just thing thing to pick me up. "I know what you need. I'll find you a nice girl to spank." Ten minutes later he returned with a voluptuous woman in a blue latex dress and her Master. It all took off from there. I learned that I love doing scenes with women and try to do them frequently!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mimi's BDSM Bloggery: Irreverent Shirts

Mimi's BDSM Bloggery: Irreverent Shirts: IrreverentShirts.com I just found this site through FetLife ads today and LOVE IT! I plan to order a few shirts from them when we have the ...

I might definitely need to get the "kilt lifter" shirt when I go up north for Irish Fest.

Your bitch is back.

I know you've noticed I've been gone for a while. There have been a lot of things going on in my personal life including some family emergencies and surgeries. Never fear though, all is well.

There's some fun stuff I'm considering for the future but you're all going to have to wait for it. Just know...wonderful things. I'll at least muse about it in a future post. For today it's going to be fun and light.

I tend to think mindless when I think of tv but Sherlock is one of the wonderful exceptions. It's engaging, sexy, and doesn't dumb down for the audience. All a good lover should be if you ask me. Last month on New Years Day it finally came back after a year and a half long hiatus and oh did it come back. The first episode of series 2 gave us BBC's interpretation of Irene Adler. Let me tell you this, I'm not sure if more of me wants to be Irene Adler or to have her.

In the BBC Sherlock, Irene Adler is a very famous Pro Domme. The initial scandal comes from a series of photographs that Adler has of her dominating a certain female member of royalty. She's intelligent, powerful and incredibly sexy. Sherlock's match if there ever was one. Thankfully this episode doesn't take on a full out Sherlock and Irene romance. Sherlock has no interest in such things and Irene Adler is gay. This is something I loved seeing as a bisexual woman. I love menfolk full and well but there is something extra special about having another woman under your dominion. If I ever went Pro I'd love to cater to mostly women with a number of extra special men whom I'd adore to have serve me. But I do digress.

Irene Adler is The Woman not just professionally but because she is the only woman to get the better of Sherlock. We have her to thank for this delicious little piece:
Right where he should be.

My only complaint is with the writing at the end of the episode. Sherlock beats her. There's just something so wrong about seeing him get the upperhand and figure out her game. I guess it's the same tv formula that the hero always takes down the bad villain. Shame.

I'm going to hold out hope that they bring her back in the 3rd series (or if they have a 4th one I'd settle for that). It'll be interesting seeing who she's become in light of what happened at the end of Scandal. Either way, it was nice seeing a Domme who wasn't portrayed as a complete stereotype.

If you haven't checked out Sherlock yet make sure you do it soon. In fact, make it a nice little assignment from me.
